Of course, being who I am, I do a pretty good job of de-cluttering my daily life and I see where some folks could use some help.
Here’s a handy list of things to de-clutter everyday that will not only make your life easier, but set an example for others. If you have any other additions, feel free to add some more to the list and I will incorporate it into my quarterly newsletters to share.
Don’t wait until spring cleaning to do this – instead take a few minutes each day to de-clutter your:
CAR – Remove empty cups, take out bags, wrappers, water bottles and everything else you may have collected all day.
CLOTHES – Put away clean laundry right away and constantly monitor your closet to get rid of any clothes you haven’t worn in months or even years. A friend of mine from church has a donation box always handy and her family adds to it and then they donate it at the end of each month.
EMAIL INBOX – This is the worst culprit of all! Keep emails down to a reasonable level by moving what needs to be moved to your folders, deleting messages you aren’t saving immediately and then erasing them from your trash folder and respond immediately to those you need to so folks know you are on top of things.
HOME ENTRY – This one is my biggest pet peeve inside and out. Keeping the front entry to your home clean is a great way to enter and leave your home in a positive happy mood and it’s good Feng Shui!
HANDBAGS – At the end of the day, clean out and re-organize your purse for the next day. You will be glad you did.
KITCHEN COUNTERS – Clear off all dishes, utensils, mail, notes, magazines, newspapers and “other stuff” you tend to drop on the counters. Keeping all small appliances put away also helps unless you use it every single day which typically is not the case.
KITCHEN SINK – Wash dirty dishes or move them to the dishwasher as soon as possible to keep this free and ready to go when you need it.
MAIL – Deal with every piece of mail as soon as you can. Take bills to the desk where you pay them. (I have a stand up rack and put the dates they are due in the postage stamp area and keep them upright and in order by due date so I never miss mailing or paying them on time). Do your filing each day if you can or set up a file on the desk and do it every couple of days. And….get rid of that junk mail in the trash or better yet – mail it back to the sender maybe?
WALLET – Organize your wallet at the end of each day to know what you have in it, remove the day’s receipts, and organize coins and credit cards if necessary.
WORKSPACES – Desks and workspaces should be cleared and organized at the end of each day.
Let me know if I missed anything and hopefully by de-cluttering your spaces – it will help your clients see your example…