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Vote YES Arizona!

Proposition 126 would prohibit the state and local governments from enacting new taxes or increasing tax rates in effect on December 31, 2018, on services performed in Arizona.[1] Services can include various types of economic activities that don’t involve tangible goods, from personal-oriented activities, including salon services, pet grooming, amusement, and fitness activities, to financial-oriented activities, including real estate transactions, banking, and investment management, to healthcare-oriented activities, such as doctor visits.

Governor Ducey announced he opposed Prop 126 and all the work we did as Realtors took a hit. Governor Ducey at the Los Altos Ranch Market touted how WELL Arizona is doing. He thinks Prop126 is a bad idea and since Arizona is doing well, he sees it as an opportunity to garner additional revenues!

I LOVE living in Arizona and that’s why it’s important for me to get involved. Prop 126 helps protect our community, especially small towns such as Flagstaff.,_Prohibit_New_or_Increased_Taxes_on_Services_Initiative_(2018)

Politicians on the extreme right and the extreme left ~ want to take money away from small business AND the consumer and then not spend it well. We see what a burden this will be on services we use everyday such as hair dressers, home inspectors, medical services, and child care!! We have the lowest corporate tax rate in the nation (4%), and I have NO problem paying my taxes, but this is something that will not help Arizona!

Sure, they say it will help send money to schools, but stop and think about how small businesses support our school programs that the schools no longer support so if the small businesses have to pay additional taxes, that would deter their support ability right?! I know alot of parents who are hair dressers and they are nervous that they will have to pay additional tax and since the daycare would also have to pay more tax for their services, it just isn’t a good fit.

Early Ballots are already out and I implore all ARIZONA Real Estate Agents (since this is an additional tax for us too because we provide a service!!!!) to spread the word to VOTE YES on Prop 126!

OK stepping down from my soap box!